


ごはん 牛乳 春巻

ハムとニラの和え物 マーボー豆腐



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Mabo dofu day! Yeah! Today’s salad seems new! It’s quite good and has a nice tangy flavor that compliments the meal well. The spring roll was perfect and had a nice crunch. They tasted nice and salty with a warm filling. The mabo was great today. So much meat and tofu. With rice it is perfect. A classic kyushoku menu, but one of the best. Top 5! Gochisousamadeshita!




ごはん 牛乳 さんまのみぞれ煮

五目きんぴら さつま汁


~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is 'rice day'. So it looks like a menu that pairs well with white rice. The kinpira is great and has a variety of textures from the vegetables, meat, and fish cake. It has a variety of nice flavors too. The sweet potato soup was a great mix of salty and sweet. The texture of the potato is nice with the soup too. The true champion of 'rice day' is, of course, the miso sanma. The yummy sauce and fish are a perfect pair and I would be surprised if anyone left any rice at all after eating it. A great meal.




ごはん 牛乳 納豆

もみづけ ピリから肉じゃが

~Lunch Report By ALT~

I finished off my natto and cleansed my palate with white rice and salad. The salad was like a sponge, cleaning the natto taste and texture from my mouth and replacing it with bright ginger and delicious sesame flavors. Thank you salad. My hero, as always on natto day, is the nikujaga. So good and filled with with so many vegetables. It is always a treat.



ごはん 牛乳 ぶた肉と野菜のしょうがいため

豆腐入り中華スープ オレンジ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is ginger stir fry and Chinese soup with an orange slice on the side. The stir-fry was excellent and the ginger flavor and plentiful vegetables were delicious. In particular, the green pepper slices added a little excitement to the mix. The tofu and egg soup was nice and the calmer flavors were a nice contrast to the stir-fry. Finally, the orange was a bright and sweet end to the meal. A Top 10 lunch today! Gochisousama Deshita.



食パン 牛乳 肉団子

大根とツナのサラダ きつねうどん



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is a big lunch with a lot of variety. The daikon tuna salad was filled with veggies and had a bright flavor which brought out the best in the tuna. The kitsune udon was great. Tons of proteins with fish and chicken, and the delicious juicy sweetness from the fried tofu. I love kitsune udon and today's was excellent and hearty. 



ごはん 牛乳 さばのみそ煮

小松菜のおひたし 里いもと大根のそぼろ煮



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is a very Japanese style lunch. The salad was crunchy with strong katsuo bushi flavor. The satoimo soup was quite good. The sliminess of the sato imo theickens the sou into a stew. It was mostly a salty savory soup, but I tasted a little sweetness. My favorite part of today's lunch was the fish. The sweet miso sauce on the fish is amazing and with rice it's perfect.



コッペパン 牛乳 ハムチーズピカタ

ほうれん草サラダ ミネストローネスープ りんごゼリー



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Quite a valiety of items today. The spinich and tuna salad is wonderful as always, with a nice sweetness from the corn. Normally there is tuna inside the little stuffed omelet but today it had ham and a little bit of cheese. It was super good and I'd like to try are fresh out of the oven. Today's main was minestrone soup. The shells and bakon stood out today in texture and flavor. My apple jelly was in perfect condition and loaded with chunks of apple.



ハヤシライス 牛乳 イタリアンサラダ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Hayashi rice and Italian salad are always delicious. Crunchy texture and cheese-like squid are a nice combination and the dressing is great. So I researched Hayashi rice and there are 2main ideas about it's origin.

1. It is named after a person called Hayashi.

2. It is from the English word "Hashed Beef".

I don't know the answer but today's Hayashi rice was super good!



いか天丼 牛乳 大阪づけ むらくも汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Oosakatzuke is a salad of pickled daikon strips and cucumber with a light ginger flavor. It was pretty good. Murakumo soup was a nice flavorful egg drop soup with lots of onion and sea weed. Salty and savory. Very nice. Next up, Ika tendon. Squid tempura is OK, but with that sauce it is excellent.