


ごはん 牛乳 ポークシューマイ

ゴーヤチャンプルー 春雨スープ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Goya Champloo today.  Always an interesting item.  We got shumai today as well and the first thing I do is put them in my soup to warm them up.  Classic technique!  The goya was good and any bitterness is paired well with the meat and eggs which were flavored to match it perfectly. The harusama soup has a very gentle flavor compared to the powerful goya champloo and it’s a nice little break from all that strong flavor.  After a couple minutes in my soup, my shumai have warmed up a little bit and they are delicious.  Juicy and flavorful.  The onions and pork are a great pair and make for a nice meaty satisfying bite.  Great meal today!




黒とう食パン 牛乳 肉団子

ハムと大根のサラダ きつねうどん



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Meatballs, bread, and kitsune udon!  An interesting combination and a delicious one!  Ah, the ham and daikon salad is so delicious.  Seriously such a perfect match of textures, flavors, and so simple too.  The kitsune udon as well was very good.  I think the soup broth has a lot of flavor in it as well which is great.  The kitsune tofu was good, but I like it a little sweeter.  Maybe it is because I like the cup noodle kitsune so much?  It was still very juicy and delicious.  Looking at today’s menu, it would look like the udon is the main dish, but to me, it is the meatballs and bread.  Another ‘ura-menu’ technique I love is making a simple little meatball sandwich.  The meatballs were sweet and tasty and went perfect with the slice of bread as well.  It was a sweeter meatball sandwich but super good and satisfying for me.  Wonderful lunch to finish the first week of school back from break.



夏野菜カレーライス 牛乳 こんにゃくサラダ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Curry rice and Seaweed salad!  A school lunch classic for our second school lunch after the break.  Today’s dressing tasted like it had a little bit more punch than usual which was nice and the corn is great as always balancing out the flavors and textures with some sweetness and a crunchy bite.  The curry today was truly amazing.  The summer vegetables really take it to a new place flavor and texture wise with pumpkins adding sweetness and a creamy texture and eggplants with a juicy bite too.  I was super satisfied and happy to get this meal today. Thank you!




米粉パン 牛乳 チキンのチーズ焼き

ブロッコリーサラダ トマトスープ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Wow!  School lunch!  It has been over a month!  And today’s school lunch is a great one. Yummy broccoli and cucumber salad with corn is so refreshing and tasty.  I like to use some of my rice bread to clean up the dressing on the plate.  It was very well baked and has a great chewy texture with a nice outer crust.  The tomato soup was simple and nice with some onions, egg, and a little meat as well making it more robust.  Delicious, and of course I clean the bowl with a piece of the yummy rice bread.  Finally, I save a big hunk of the bread to make into a bun for my baked chicken and cheese.  This little sandwich is seriously one of my favorite ‘ura-menu’ items.  Please try it!