


バターロール とちおとめジャム 牛乳

スパゲッティミートソース ツナサラダ



【Lunch Report by ALT】

Today many parents came to see the lessons of the students.  Today’s salad has a lot of tuna fish and many crunchy vegetables.  It tastes very healthy and the tuna makes it surprisingly meaty!  The pasta today was as good as always.  It has a sweeter sauce with some meat in it as well.  Hidden among the noodles and sauce are carrots and the occasional green pea.  Quite yummy as always.  Of course I use some of my bread roll to clean up the pasta sauce when I am done eating, but I save some for the strawberry jam too.  It was yummy sweet and delicious and the buttery flavor from the bread makes a nice addition.



ごはん 牛乳 包焼 ハムとニラの和え物

春雨スープ いよかんゼリー



【Lunch Report by ALT】

A very interesting lunch today!  The ham and nira salad was a great starter for the meal and has a slightly tangy flavor with some sesame.  A little crunchy and the strips of ham add some good flavor as well.  The harusame soup was also nice.  The flavor was light, but the texture was very good.  I like the thin noodles very much.  The baoshu dumplings were super good and had a ton of flavor.  They were quite good with rice and soup as well.  The jelly dessert was very good too.  It was sweet and a little bitter as well.  I don’t know what iyokan is, but I am guessing it is in the yuzu family since this reminds me of yuzu.  A tasty Chinese-style lunch today.



かきあげ天丼 牛乳 

大阪づけ 鮭団子汁



【Lunch Report by ALT】

Today is a new menu I think!  Kakiagetendon.  I love kakiage very much and even make it myself so I am interest how good today’s is.  The daikon and cucumber salad was simple and quite nice with some light ginger flavor.  Recently, this fish soup has become quite popular and I am super happy about it because it is so delicious!  Today is no differet and the yummy soup is very flavorful and the fish balls are also great with a salmon flavor that is super good. I think it is a mix of salmon and tuna, but I don’t know. The tendon is already doing great because it comes with that super delicious tendon sauce.  The kakiage was still a little crunchy and filled with many interesting ingredients!  I found potatos(?), beans, carrots, onion, and I think that is it.  I was impressed with it and it was quite good.  The real question to me is, is it better than ikatendon since I think this menu replaced that for today. For me the answer is yes.  I don’t like squid very much, but it is meatier than the kakiage, but we also got fish ball soup today so that was plenty meaty. Interesting new choice and a wonderful school lunch.  Looking forward to seeing more new menu items!



黒とうパン 牛乳 焼きそば

大根とツナのサラダ ヨーグルト



【Lunch Report by ALT】

Yakisoba and bread day!  Double the carbs! Double the deliciousness!  The daikon and tuna salad was wonderful and the crunchy daikon and cucumber have a nice sweet and tart dressing which contrasts nicely with the salty tuna.  I love this salad and could eat a lot!  The yakisoba was yummy as ever.  It is quite filling and I like to use some of the bread for cleaning the plate when I finish it.  Lastly I eat my yogurt and bread at the same time.  They are such a perfect combo!  Great lunch today.




ごはん 牛乳 納豆

じゃこサラダ 筑前煮



【Lunch Report by ALT】

Oh no!  Natto day and the sticky item menu.  This is a big challenge for me, but it is kyushoku and kyushoku is always good!  The salad was very crunchy and had a really bright citrus flavor.  I like the abruaage slices since they are almost like croutons.  It was delicious and almost sweet after eating the natto.  Although the karashi made my natto quite good today.  Maybe I am starting to like it? Today’s soup, the chikuzennni was quite good and I love the taste of the broth and my favorite ingredients are the daikon and the takenoko.  A lovely Japanese lunch filled with many interesting and unique ingredients!