

かきあげ天丼 牛乳 

大阪づけ 鮭団子汁



【Lunch Report by ALT】

Today is a new menu I think!  Kakiagetendon.  I love kakiage very much and even make it myself so I am interest how good today’s is.  The daikon and cucumber salad was simple and quite nice with some light ginger flavor.  Recently, this fish soup has become quite popular and I am super happy about it because it is so delicious!  Today is no differet and the yummy soup is very flavorful and the fish balls are also great with a salmon flavor that is super good. I think it is a mix of salmon and tuna, but I don’t know. The tendon is already doing great because it comes with that super delicious tendon sauce.  The kakiage was still a little crunchy and filled with many interesting ingredients!  I found potatos(?), beans, carrots, onion, and I think that is it.  I was impressed with it and it was quite good.  The real question to me is, is it better than ikatendon since I think this menu replaced that for today. For me the answer is yes.  I don’t like squid very much, but it is meatier than the kakiage, but we also got fish ball soup today so that was plenty meaty. Interesting new choice and a wonderful school lunch.  Looking forward to seeing more new menu items!