


コッペパン マーシャルビーンズ 牛乳

きのこスパゲッティ イタリアンサラダ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

A nice Italian style lunch today with the main and side dish. Mushroom spaghetti and Italian salad. Also, one of my favorite school lunch treats, Marshall Beans. The Italian salad was great as always. I love the bright flavor of the dressing and variety of the textures from the vegetables and squid and shrimp. One of the best salads for school lunch and such a variety of interesting ingredients which come together very well. It may sound silly, but whenever there is a topping with lunch, I always worry if I will put it on the right dish. Today we got some seaweed flakes and I put them on the pasta. I hope it is right! The pasta was great and had a nice light flavor. It wasn’t too oily and the chicken and mushrooms were delicious. Finally I enjoyed the bread and marshall beans. I love how creamy and sweet it is. And the fact it is mostly soy beans is amazing. I love this stuff. What a wonderful lunch. A top 10 lunch for sure! Gochisousama Deshita!



ごはん 牛乳 厚焼卵

白菜のおひたし 鮭団子汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is a Japanese style lunch with a soup, salad, and tamagoyaki. The salad was very nice and the flavor of the katsuoboshi was great. The tamagoyaki was sweet and the natural flavor of the eggs was quite nice. Of course it was soft and fluffy as well. Today’s main dish was the soup featuring salmon meatballs. It was like normal miso soup, but with the delicious and cute little salmon meatballs in it. They added a new dimension of flavor to the normal soup and it was really good. Went very well with rice! Today was a delicious school lunch!



コッペパン 牛乳 お豆とかぼちゃのコロッケ

グリーンサラダ クラムチャウダー



~Lunch Report By ALT~

I am unable to eat school lunch today! I am very sorry to miss clam chowder too. I bet it was great. Also, the pumpkin and bean croquette sounds super yummy.



ごはん 牛乳 いわしのしょうが煮

小松菜のごま和え キムチ入りとん汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today’s salad was very nice. I liked the sesame flavor. I think I tasted kinako too. It was good. The tonjiru with kimchi was excellent. Great flavors from the kimchi and a little bit of sour along with the garlic. It warmed me up very well. Today’s fish was quite tasty too. At first the taste was very fishy, but the ginger flavor started to come out more with each bite and it was wonderful. A great lunch today which warmed me up despite the grey and cold weather outside. Thank you.



セルフフィッシュバーガー 牛乳 かぼちゃのシチュー



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is another amazing lunch day. Excellent looking pumpkin stew, and a ‘make your own’ fish sandwich. Both of those items are delicious and I know before even tasting them. I started out with a fish sandwich. Although I think it is a lot of bread, the sandwich was good and the fish was nice. The tartar sauce completes the sandwich along with the cabbage. The stew was amazing. Maybe the best stew I have had with school lunch in a long time. The pumpkin flavor is warm and spicy and the vegetables are hearty and delicious. Truly a treat. A top 3 kyushoku for the stew alone! Gochisousamadeshita!



そぼろ丼 牛乳 けんちん汁 ゆずゼリー



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today we have a kind of Japanese lunch I feel. Saboro don and Kenchin soup. The soup was quite nice and tasted very earthy. Recently, I feel like we are seeing taro in lunch a lot more recently. Saboro is a super yummy mix of minced chicken, scrambled egg, and edamame. It is really delicious and I love the flavoring that they give it. It is a little sweet and a little savory. I am interested to know the recipe! I’d like to try and make some at home someday. Finally, I finished the meal with the delicious yuzu jelly. It was very delicious and the yuzu flavor was quite strong. Refreshing and good. A fantastic lunch. I am a big fan of the Saborodon. Thank you.



コッペパン 牛乳 チキンのチーズ焼き

花野菜サラダ ポトフ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today’s lunch is awesome! A big salad, an interesting main dish, and a yummy soup. The ‘flower vegetable salad’ was great. It had a similar dressing to the Italian salad and it was very hearty too. I liked how the broccoli absorbed the dressing and exploded with flavor when I bit it. The potofu was delicious too. I liked the hotdog and daikon slices. The chicken cheese sandwich was my favorite today. The seasoning and flavor of the chicken was fantastic. An interesting meal, maybe with a French theme? Either way, a top 10 easily. Gochisousamadeshita!



ビビンバ 牛乳 えび団子スープ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is a Korean style lunch with bibinba and shrimp ball soup. I started with the soup and it was excellent. Hot, shrimpy, and juicy. The bibinba had a vegetable mix and a meaty mix with royal fern. The vegetables were steamed and lightly flavored and quite good. The meal had an amazing flavor cooked in soy sauce which was the best. I loved it. Today’s meal is a top 15! Gochisousamadeshita!



ごはん 牛乳 おろしハンバーグ

ごぼうサラダ みそ汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is a nice lunch with hamburg, gobo salad, and miso soup. All classics. I am a big fan of the gobo and the salad was quite nice. The creamy dressing is very good. Today’s miso soup was standard, but the abura age and tofu gave it a fluffy and juicy element which was nice. The hamburg was excellent and meaty and juicy. The oroshi sauce was also very delicious. I liked the onion flavor with the meat. Wonderful lunch.



はちみつパン 牛乳 焼きそば こんにゃくサラダ




~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is yakisoba and konyaku salad with yogurt and honey bread. The salad was good, but the konyaku and wakame were very slimy. It was very refreshing though. The yakisoba was good and the sauce was nice. Can’t beat it. Today’s true treat was the yogurt. It was made in Nikko I think. It is slightly less sweet than usual, but tastes very fresh. It also had a much thicker texture and was an absolute delight. It went perfect with the honey bread too. Great lunch today.



秋野菜カレーライス 牛乳 ツナサラダ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

I feel that fall has some of the best foods. Stew, nabe, etc. Today’s fall veggie curry is amazing. The tuna salad was excellent. Today’s dressing was special. I think I tasted shiso leaf in there. Curry is delicious as always and in particular I appreciated the sweet potato for its texture and flavor. Smooth, creamy, and sweet. An excellent day for school lunch. Top 5! Gochisousamadeshita!



米粉パン 牛乳 スペイン風オムレツ

ブロッコリーサラダ マカロニのクリーム煮



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is another great menu and a sign of good things to come. I love stews and school lunch stews are great. Today is ‘Macaroni nimono’, but it is a stew. The broccoli salad was creamy and sweet and I liked the crunchy cucumber. The ‘Spanish omelet’ was good. I think there was potato in it. The pasta stew was very hearty and delicious. It had a very light flavor and I could taste the onions. The rice bread was great and went well with the stew. I like the interesting texture and sweet flavor of the rice bread. It is very unique. Excellent lunch. Top 5! Gochisousamadeshita!



ごはん 牛乳 あげぎょうざ

ホイコーロー わかめスープ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is a holy day! I think horikoro is my favorite kyushoku menu item. The soup was light and had a gentle seaweed flavor. The wet crunch of the wakame was nice. The gyoza was flavored excellently and the garlicy meat filling was awesome. Today the gyoza had a darker crust and the char added some nice earthy flavors. The honorable horikoro never fails to please my palate. Today’s was even a little spicy too. I don’t know if it is the best, but it is a top 3 meal easily. Thank you! Gochisousamadeshita!




ごはん 牛乳 とろあじスタミナ焼き

五目ひじき いものこ汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

I was unable to eat school lunch on Friday sadly. I have few regrets in life, and not eating sloppy joe is one of them! Today is a very Japanese style lunch. The hijiki salad was awesome with a light sweetness. The texture was good and it was hearty thanks to the beans, pork, and tofu. I moved to the fish next and was greatly surprised by how delicious it was. Today’s flavor was garlicy and salty. The Toro aji was very nice and great with rice.Today’s menu highlighted the locally grown sato imo. I usually don’t like the mushy slimy texture of sato imo, but in today’s soup it was good. I am very thankful for all the people and plants and animals who made my lunch possible today. Thanks as always!



ごはん 牛乳 春巻

ハムとニラの和え物 マーボー豆腐



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Mabo dofu day! Yeah! Today’s salad seems new! It’s quite good and has a nice tangy flavor that compliments the meal well. The spring roll was perfect and had a nice crunch. They tasted nice and salty with a warm filling. The mabo was great today. So much meat and tofu. With rice it is perfect. A classic kyushoku menu, but one of the best. Top 5! Gochisousamadeshita!




ごはん 牛乳 さんまのみぞれ煮

五目きんぴら さつま汁


~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is 'rice day'. So it looks like a menu that pairs well with white rice. The kinpira is great and has a variety of textures from the vegetables, meat, and fish cake. It has a variety of nice flavors too. The sweet potato soup was a great mix of salty and sweet. The texture of the potato is nice with the soup too. The true champion of 'rice day' is, of course, the miso sanma. The yummy sauce and fish are a perfect pair and I would be surprised if anyone left any rice at all after eating it. A great meal.




ごはん 牛乳 納豆

もみづけ ピリから肉じゃが

~Lunch Report By ALT~

I finished off my natto and cleansed my palate with white rice and salad. The salad was like a sponge, cleaning the natto taste and texture from my mouth and replacing it with bright ginger and delicious sesame flavors. Thank you salad. My hero, as always on natto day, is the nikujaga. So good and filled with with so many vegetables. It is always a treat.



ごはん 牛乳 ぶた肉と野菜のしょうがいため

豆腐入り中華スープ オレンジ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is ginger stir fry and Chinese soup with an orange slice on the side. The stir-fry was excellent and the ginger flavor and plentiful vegetables were delicious. In particular, the green pepper slices added a little excitement to the mix. The tofu and egg soup was nice and the calmer flavors were a nice contrast to the stir-fry. Finally, the orange was a bright and sweet end to the meal. A Top 10 lunch today! Gochisousama Deshita.



食パン 牛乳 肉団子

大根とツナのサラダ きつねうどん



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is a big lunch with a lot of variety. The daikon tuna salad was filled with veggies and had a bright flavor which brought out the best in the tuna. The kitsune udon was great. Tons of proteins with fish and chicken, and the delicious juicy sweetness from the fried tofu. I love kitsune udon and today's was excellent and hearty. 



ごはん 牛乳 さばのみそ煮

小松菜のおひたし 里いもと大根のそぼろ煮



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is a very Japanese style lunch. The salad was crunchy with strong katsuo bushi flavor. The satoimo soup was quite good. The sliminess of the sato imo theickens the sou into a stew. It was mostly a salty savory soup, but I tasted a little sweetness. My favorite part of today's lunch was the fish. The sweet miso sauce on the fish is amazing and with rice it's perfect.



コッペパン 牛乳 ハムチーズピカタ

ほうれん草サラダ ミネストローネスープ りんごゼリー



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Quite a valiety of items today. The spinich and tuna salad is wonderful as always, with a nice sweetness from the corn. Normally there is tuna inside the little stuffed omelet but today it had ham and a little bit of cheese. It was super good and I'd like to try are fresh out of the oven. Today's main was minestrone soup. The shells and bakon stood out today in texture and flavor. My apple jelly was in perfect condition and loaded with chunks of apple.



ハヤシライス 牛乳 イタリアンサラダ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Hayashi rice and Italian salad are always delicious. Crunchy texture and cheese-like squid are a nice combination and the dressing is great. So I researched Hayashi rice and there are 2main ideas about it's origin.

1. It is named after a person called Hayashi.

2. It is from the English word "Hashed Beef".

I don't know the answer but today's Hayashi rice was super good!



いか天丼 牛乳 大阪づけ むらくも汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Oosakatzuke is a salad of pickled daikon strips and cucumber with a light ginger flavor. It was pretty good. Murakumo soup was a nice flavorful egg drop soup with lots of onion and sea weed. Salty and savory. Very nice. Next up, Ika tendon. Squid tempura is OK, but with that sauce it is excellent.



コッペパン 牛乳 ハンバーグきのこソース

コールスローサラダ えびだんごスープ 十五夜デザート



~Lunch Report By ALT~

This is a great line up today. A cole slaw salad with mayo, corn, and cucumbers which has flavor from the mayo, corn, and something tangy too. The dumpling soup was nice with a salty flavor but the dumplings had a very strong shrimp flavor and a meaty texture. Very good. I like to cut my hamburg lengthwise and make a sandwich using the bread. It was delicious and the mushroom sauce was terrific finally the cute jelly had a little rabbit shape in it for the celebration of moonviewing.



ごはん 牛乳 ポークシューマイ

ナムル 八宝菜



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today's lunch has a Korean theme to it. The 'namul' was good with a nice crunch and sesame flavor.  The 'Happosai' soup was interesting.  Quail eggs, pork, shrimp, and squid too. So many proteins! But the flavor was nice and there were many vegetables too. The pork shumai ware great and I ate them with rice and soup to warm them up. The flavorful pork had garlic and other tastes as well.



ホットドッグ 牛乳 クラムチャウダー



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Quite on interesting combo for today's lunch. Like being at a baseball game in New England! The hot dog was great and I love the smokey salty flavor of the dog, but for me there is too much bread. I adore school lunch clam chowder and today was excellent as always. The clam flavor and creamy stew was silky and nice and the large potato chunks were perfectly cooked with wonderful texture.



ごはん 牛乳 さんまの開き

れんこんきんぴら 沢煮椀



~Lunch Report By ALT~

A very "fall is here" lunch today. The soup was delicious and packed with veggies and some meat too. The Renkon Kinpira is crunchy and savory sweet. Very delicious and filling. Today's main menu is sanma. It is called pacific saury or mackerel pike in English. I love sanma. It has a nice salty flavor with a little hint of bitterness which is good. It is a little oily, but on rice it's great.   



そぼろ丼 牛乳 五目みそ汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today was a simple but scrumptious meal. Soboro don was awesome and I love the ginger and soy flavors. I could eat it forever. Also today's soup had juicy daikon slices and nice thick cuts of agedofu. The tofu almost had the texture of meat. So good tuday!



はちみつパン 牛乳 白菜とツナのサラダ

カレーうどん ヨーグルト





~Lunch Report By ALT~

Curry udon! Tuna salad! Honey bread and Yogurt! Classic lunch today!

The salad was excellent and the tuna flavor and crunch of the hakusai was nice. The curry udon was good today . The bread was nice with the curry, and with milk, and on its own too.  And any school yogurt is great and a perfect end to a meal.



ごはん 牛乳 厚焼卵

野菜のおひたし さつま汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Lovery lunch today! Satsuma soup was excellent with a sweetness and umami more than other soups. The salad was good and the sesame and katsuobushi was wonderful. The egg was almost a dessert, so soft and sweet. Thanks as always!



黒とうパン 牛乳 焼きそば




~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is a Kyushoku classic menu. Yakisoba and tuna and spinach salad. This is one of my favorite kyushoku salads with a based of spinach, crunch from the pops of sweetness from the corn. 



スタミナ丼 牛乳 けんちん汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Stamina bowl and soup today. The soup was nice and had an earthy flavor. The stamina don was very good. Great complex flavors like garlic, saltiness, and maybe ginger? It was excellent. Icould eat that flavorful dish anytime. What a treat.



コッペパン とちおとめジャム 牛乳

ツナマヨオムレツ グリーンサラダ ポークビーンズ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

The broccoli - heavy 'green salad' was very nice. Today's main dish is 'pork beans'. It's like a sweet tomato soup with beans onions pork and potatos. The tuna omelet was good. I liked the tuna flavor and it's good as a small sandwich with some of the bread. The jam is awesome and makes a wonderful dessert to finish with my milk. Super good lunch today! 



ごはん 牛乳 てんぐにらまんじゅう

くらげ和え なすとトマトの和風マーボー



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today's lunch was quite interesting, and felt new. There was a zesty tangy bean sprout salad with sesame seeds and a 'Japanese style' Mabo Dofu. It had tofu in it, but tasted more like a savory vegetable tomato soup. It was excellent. The flavor of the tomato and texture of the eggplant and green beans was great. My favorite port was the dumpling(shumai). The garlic and onion flavor from nira was excellent. That dumpling was restaurant quality. 



ごはん 牛乳 さばのみそ煮

きゅうりの香り和え キムチ入りとん汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today's salad was simple and nice. I could taste a hint of ginger. There was kimchi in the soup and it changed it completely. The sour and spicy flavor from the kimchi mixes perfectly with the tonjiru. The saba was great too and the sweetness of the miso sauce was a nice contrast to the soup. Great lunch today!



照り焼きチキンバーガー 牛乳

ハムと大根のサラダ トマトスープ レモンタルト



~Lunch Report By ALT~

We got a very big lunch today! Teriyaki chicken sandwich, Ham, cucumber, and daikon salad, tomato soup, and a lemon tart. Today's salad is one of my favorite of Kyushoku salads. The crunch and dressing are such a great start to the meal. The tomato soup was on the sweeter side and filled with scrambled eggs. The cabbage and onions add a nice texture too. The teriyaki chicken was a little small, but packed a big flavor. The lemon tart is truly amazing.



ポークカレーライス 牛乳




~Lunch Report By ALT~

Classic Kyushoku menu today. Pork curry and seaweed salad. The salad was good and had a slippery and slimy texture with crunch from the cucumber and spots of sweetness from the corn. The pork curry was quite good.



ごはん 牛乳 あじフライ(ソース)

五目ひじき いなむどぅち



~Lunch Report By ALT~

I like the school lunch hijiki a lot. It is juicy and has a variety of textures and ingredients. The soup was interesting. It's like a miso soup, but with a slightly smoky flavor. It was really good! The fried fish was perfect. I got one which was soft and flakey but had a great crunch too.



ごはん 牛乳 納豆

もみづけ 肉じゃが



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Again  I must face my nemesis, natto. I eat it quickly, eat white rice, and drink some milk. I overcome the challange with no problems. The salad was nice, crunchy, and fresh. Today's nikujaga sas amazing. The sweet and savory sauce with all the vegetables and meat is one of my favorite foods.



ごはん 牛乳 ホイコーロー

ワンタンスープ オレンジ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Hoikoro. One of my favorite lunch items. Today it was as good as ever. Hoikoro and white rice are a match made in heaven. The wonton soup was good too.  A nice light flavor and the noodle wrappers on the wontons are great. And the surprise today was the orange wedge! What a sweet finish to the meal.



食パン マーシャルビーンズ 牛乳

スパゲッティミートソース カリコリサラダ



~Lunch Report BY ALT~

MARSHAL BEANS!! I love this stuff. It's soy chocolate but really good. The cube salad was awesome with lots of crunchy texture and some ham too. The dressing was also very yummy. I was particularly thankful for the black pepper. The spaghetti was excellent today also good amount of meat and good vegetable balance as well.



ごはん 牛乳 いわしのしょうが煮
切り干し大根の煮つけ かみなり汁

~Lunch Report By ALT~
Today is a very Japanese lunch. There was a hot salad of stewed dikon strips and fried tofu which was quite good and a little sweet too. Also we got 'Thunder soup'. It's acutually quite good. It is a salty soup with lots of egg and onion in it. I put my seaweed flakes into the soup it added a very nice dimension of flavor to it. Better than I remembered. Finally, today's fish was superb. The ginger flavor very strong and added a spicy and sweet note to the meal. My rice disappered quickly! I did't except today's lunch to be so good!



コッペパン 牛乳 メンチカツ
ビーンズサラダ サマーシチュー

~Lunch Report By ALT~
Today's 'Beans salad' was great. Such a wonderful variety of vegetables and textures. It was hearty and delicious. The 'summer stew' was like a minestrone soup. It was nice and the tomato flavor was good. There was a lot of cabbage and other vegetables too. The katsu was excellent and very meaty and had a great onion flavor. Very crunchy too. Overall a wonderful lunch today.



ごはん 牛乳 えびシューマイ
チンジャオロースー 中華スープ

~Lunch Report By ALT~
Today's lunch is 'Chingao rosu', it means green pepper meat stir fry. We would call it bell pepper pork (or pork) in English. It was super good and the flavor of the bell pepper is very prominent. The soup was a nice change of pace from the miso we often get. It had a very light flavor and vegetables and tofu. I really enjoyed the shumai as well and the shrimp filling was very good and very shrimpy! Fantastic lunch. Top 5!



タコライス 牛乳 ボイルキャベツ 冬瓜のスープ

~Lunch Report By ALT~
Today's lunch is taco rice with soup. The soup was new to me. A nice broth with a light salty and onion flavor and big chunks of togan which burst with the soup's  flavor when you bite then. The meat sauce was quite nice as well. A sweeter tomato based sauce but with some nice spice action giving it the kick it needs. Great lunch today!



ホットドッグ 牛乳 みそラーメン アセロラゼリー

~Lunch Report By ALT~
Today's lunch was wonderful. The 'self hot dog' was really good. The wiener had a smoky flavor to it which seemed different than usual. Also, the miso ramen was scrumptious. The broth was nice and rich and I particularly enjoy the bursts of sweetness from the corn. Acerora jelly is always a delicious dessert. Top 20 lunch!