


いか天丼 牛乳 けんちん汁

~給食の感想 By ALT~
Today's lunch is very Japanese. I don't really like squid very much because of the chewy texture and fishy flavor, but the sauce is super good and I always eat it all. Today's soup is like tonjiru and is pretty good.


タコライス 牛乳 もずくスープ

~給食の感想 By ALT~
I was very excited for today's lunch. I love tacos and Mexican food. The soup was OK and had a light earthy flavor and a unique texture. The taco rice was phenomena! Excellent flavors with fresh tomato, delicious meat and onion, and a nice amount of spices. 


ごはん 牛乳 マーボー野菜 ワンタンスープ

~給食の感想 By ALT~
Sometimes I look at school lunch and don't know if it will be good or not. But today I knew it would be great at first glane. It looks like a Chinese themed lunch with wanton soup and a dish that has noodles and meat. The soup was very good.


セルフフィッシュバーガー 牛乳
サマーシチュー ももゼリー

~給食の感想 By ALT~
Today is a 'make-your-own' style lunch day! I like them a lot. The soup was nice and had a lot of cabbage and onion in it. The fish sandwich was really good. The fish was flied really well and the tartar sauce was a perfect match.
The real treat today was the peach jelly. It was absolutely decadent.


そぼろ丼 牛乳 五目みそ汁

~給食の感想 By ALT~
The miso soup today had a gentle flavor. I like the fluffy juicy texture of the tofu. The Soboro don was amazing. The salty ginger flavor was supergood. I could eat it all day.


バターロール とちおとめジャム 牛乳
にらとひき肉のスパゲッティ カリコリサラダ

~給食の感想 By ALT~
Today's lunch looks simple, but there are many ingredients. The salad is great and there was a lot of ham and the dressing was nice. I like that all the ingredients are cut into small cubes.
The main dish was a pasta with nice onion and garlic flavors. It was excellent.


ごはん 牛乳 おろしハンバーグ
そうめん汁 天の川ゼリー

~給食の感想 By ALT~
Wow! I'm seeing stars! Today is Tanabata, the star festival. Usually the jelly has a star but today everything has a star!! Star on the naruto fish cake and the hamburg is star shaped too! What a surprise! Today's was very good and had a lot of noodles, vegetables, and chicken. The hamburg was very flavorful. The jelly was great and had a melon and lemon flavor. Very delicious!


チキンカレーライス 牛乳 こんにゃくサラダ チーズ

~給食の感想 By ALT~
Today's salad was good. I like the flavor, and there are many textures. I don't know what the clear noodles are! (konnyaku).
We had chicken curry was a little spicy today. We also got a cute hello kitty shaped cheese! Yay!


はちみつパン 牛乳 スパゲッティナポリタン
ほうれん草サラダ ラフランスゼリー

~給食の感想 By ALT~
Today's salad was great. I love tuna fish in salads during school lunch. The flavor is nice and the texture of the vegetables was still crunchy. Kyushoku pasta is always good. Today was the sweet style sauce which I think is popular with younger students. The roll is delicious and I use it to clean the bowl for my salad and plate for my pasta. The jelly was fantastic and the light sweet flavor of the pear.


ごはん 牛乳 冷ややっこ
いそ香り和え じゃがいもの煮こみ

~給食の感想 By ALT~
I always eat the salad first when I eat Kyusyoku. Today's salad was nice and had the flavor of sesame seeds.
The 'choi tofu' has a cute name and the umami tare was like a sweet soy sauce. It was really good. I could eat 'mo choi  tofu'.
Today's main dish was nikujaga. It was great and had a sweet and savory flavor. I love the noodles(shirataki) and aburaage. Two kinds of tofu today!