


黒とうパン 牛乳 焼きそば




~Lunch Report By ALT~

Yaki soba and ham daikon salad.  Great menu today.  The ham and daikon salad is great as always and has such a delicious mix of crunchy, sweet, sour, and umami flavors.  It’s so good and wakes my mouth up for the yaki soba party that is coming.  The yaki soba today was quite good and had a good amount of flavor from the sauce.  I got a lot of meat in mine today so I feel lucky.  The kokuto bread was sweet and delicious too.  I mostly enjoyed it at the end of the meal with my milk.  A lovely meal that filled me up!



三色丼(そぼろ・ごま和え) 牛乳




~Lunch Report By ALT~

Yeah! Sanshokudon!  And some yummy soup with salmon balls too.  The sanshokudon is absolutely delicious.  The egg/chicken mix is tasty and the greens are tasty and flavorful with a nice juicy sesame flavor.  I just mix it up with the rice and go crazy, I love this.  The soup was simple and delicious with vegetables and those amazing salmon balls.  The salmon gives the soup a different level of depth and the meat is great as well.  After the exciting world school lunch week, it is nice to go back to the classics to remember how good they are.