


ホットドッグ 牛乳 チャンポンメン



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Champon and hotdog day.  The champon is hot and delicious and filled with tons of ingredients.  I like the shrimp and Naruto, as well as how juicy and soft the noodles are.  Its really good.  The hotdog is pretty good and nice and smokey.  The cabbage and ketchup help balance the dryness of the bread and make a nice little meal.  Nice lunch today!




ごはん 牛乳 納豆

小松菜のごま和え すき焼き風煮



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Sukiyaki and Natto day.  I eat my natto quickly and then proceed to the salad!  The salad was fresh, crunchy, and tasted sweet as well from the sesame.  It was a great palate cleanser after the natto and my mouth wasn’t sticky at all.  The sukiyaki today was amazing.  So many noodles and that sweet and savory broth is so delicious.  The tofu is slightly cooked and has a nice texture and the carrots and cabbage were great as well.  The meat was filling and tasty.  Truly a rollercoaster of emotion with today’s lunch, but it is ultimately a delicious one despite the natto.




ごはん 牛乳 さばの味勝焼き

五目ひじき どさんこ汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Dosanko soup, fish, and hijiki today.  A Japanese meal.  The hijiki was good and a little sweet.  I enjoyed it.  The saba with miso was alright.  I don’t really like this fish and sauce combination very much.  Today’s main dish for me was the dosanko soup and it was amazing.  The buttery flavor of the broth and the delicious vegetables and pork make it super hearty and enjoyable.  I like it very much.  Nice lunch today!  Thank you!



ポークカレーライス 牛乳 こんにゃくサラダ みかん



~lunch Report By ALT~

Curry and rice day!  The seaweed salad that comes on most curry days is the same as usual.  I don’t really like the texture very much, but it tastes quite good.  The curry was excellent.  Good spice level today and I was surprised by how big the potatoes were.  Maybe they cut them larger or added them to the stew later because they were really big and still had fairly sharp edges!  It was great.  And a wonderful juicy sweet mikan to conclude the meal.  Perfect lunch as the weather starts to get really cold.



ごはん 牛乳 とりのからあげ

キャベツの塩こぶ和え さつま汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Karaage and sweet potato soup day!  A real nice lunch.  The salad was a simple cabbage affair with a nice sharp dressing with salty kobu which is really tasty.  The soup is hot and warm, tasting great, and the sweet potatoes add such a nice flavor and smooth texture to it.  Today’s chicken doesn’t have a special flavor like it has recently, but is just classic Japanese karaage.  It tastes great!  I enjoy having it with my rice and it was a great meal overall.  I am full and feel great.  Thank you!