



ごはん 牛乳 さんまのかぼす煮

いそ香り和え いものこ汁 十五夜ゼリー



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Japanese menu celebrating the full moon tonight! How lovely. The salad was good, and had a nice flavor. I don’t know how to describe it really, but it had hints of sesame and some flavoring similar to wakame. The soup was good, with a very light rooty flavor, but has too much satoimo for my liking. Also it had cute little Naruto fish disks that were supposed to be a yellow moon with a white rabbit on it, but I thought it was a tooth at first! Hah! Now I can’t see anything but a tooth. Sorry! I think that the best part of the meal was the sanma though by far. The tangy and sweet sauce was perfect and I could eat that forever. So delicious and juicy. Last, was a yummy jelly with a little jelly bunny. Sweet and delicious!




黒とうパン 牛乳 なす入りミートスパゲッティ




~Lunch Report By ALT~

Meat sauce spaghetti and tuna salad.  A classic kyushoku menu.  The tuna salad has a nice texture with crunchiness and juiciness as well as a great flavor from the dressing and tuna.  This is a great salad and I am always happy to enjoy it.



三色丼 牛乳 けんちん汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Sanshokudon!  This is a great menu today.  Today’s kenchin soup was good with a very light flavor but it was enjoyable.  I liked the juiciness of the cabbage.  The sanshokudon is great as always and the sweetness and nice sesame flavor on the spinach is excellent.  The chicken and egg mixture is also super good with great flavors.  There isn’t a lot to say from me about this menu other than how much I like it.  Thank you!




ごはん 牛乳 あじフライ

根菜サラダ 五目みそ汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Ajifry!  I love the fried fish in school lunch and today we get some nice miso soup and the absolutely delicious konsai salad.  This salad is a creamy crunchfest!  So good and satisfying to eat and the flavors are perfect.  In particular the lotus root and gobo are my favorite.  The gomoku miso soup was also great today as well. I really liked the big slices of tofu which had a nice crust on them.  They were excellent.  Finally, the perfectly fried and crispy ajifry was delicious and also juicy on the inside.  The sauce was nice and my rice disappeared quickly.  Today was a really nice lunch and very satisfying from the beginning to the very end.  Thank you!



ポークカレーライス 牛乳

海藻サラダ ヨーグルト



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Curry and Rice!  A classic menu on a lovely day.  The kaisou salad was nice and had a delicious dressing.  It tasted a little bit like plum and I saw something pinkish red in my salad so I think it was umeboshi.  The pork curry was hot and delicious and had a fair spice level.  It was stewed to perfection and went perfect with rice.  Very enjoyable.  Finally the delicious yogurt was creamy sweet and great.  I love this yogurt so much and it’s a refreshing end to the meal.