


えび天丼 牛乳 もみづけ




~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is parents day! There are many family members in the school today watching lessons.  Today’s lunch is also very special!  Instead of squid tempura, we got shrimp tempura!  What a big upgrade!  The momitzuke was excellent, fresh, crunchy, and had a great sesame flavor.  Whatever they pickled it with was very fresh and reminded me of ginger! The pork soup with kimchi was excellent.  This soup comes out for lunch sometimes and it’s always delicious.  Today, along with the ebiten and salad it is a perfect match.  The shrimp tempura today was amazing.  It was super crunchy and perfectly fried and not oily at all.  Also, the shrimp inside was very juicy and delicious as well.  What an amazing treat that with the tendon sauce makes it a true gift.  Top 15 menu today!  I love the ebiten and kimchi soup.  Gochisousamadeshita!



ごはん 牛乳 包焼(パオシュー)

大根とツナのサラダ マーボー豆腐



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Mabo Dofu day!  Tuna salad was excellent and packed with crunchy vegetables and loads of meaty tunafish.  I ate it quickly and then put my dumplings into my mabodofu to warm them up.  The mabo had a nice mild flavor and was packed with tons of meat too.  Always a delicious lunch menu.  The dumplings today were interesting and I don’t know how to describe their flavor!  They were meaty and salty, but unique somehow that is difficult for me to taste.  They were very good though.  A delicious lunch today.




ごはん 牛乳 銀だらの西京焼き

切干大根の煮物 どさんこ汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is a Japanese style lunch.  The kiriboshi daikon nimono was pretty good and great with rice.  Today’s fish was gindara and it is called Japanese bluefish in English.  It was a little oily, and reminded me of the sea.  The dosanko soup, or Hokkaido soup, was excellent.  My favorite part of the meal today.  Filled with plenty of veggies that Hokkaido is famous for producing and even a little bit of butter in the soup as well I think.  Tomorrow is Mabo dofu day!





バターロール マーシャルビーンズ 牛乳

スパゲッティミートソース ツナサラダ いちご



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Sadly, I was unable to eat yesterday’s lunch!  I am sure it was very good!  Today is spaghetti with salad and bread as well as a pair of strawberries and MARSHALL BEANS!  The tuna salad has a nice bright dressing which paired very well with the tuna.  I always appreciate and love the mixture of the sweetness from the vegetables, namely the cabbage and corn, and the salty umami from the fish.  The pasta had a nice salty tomato flavor and some hidden carrots, peas, and mushrooms among the meat sauce.  When I saw today’s desserts and sides I came up with a plan.  I wanted to make a chocolate strawberry sandwich for dessert using the strawberries and marshall beans spread.  I took a bite of one of the strawberries alone and it was very sweet and juicy.  My sandwich idea was quite delicious, and the chocolate and strawberry were a great match and the juiciness of the berry actually soaked into the bread making it much easier to eat as well.  Today was a very interesting menu despite using elements that we have seen many times!