


ハヤシライス 牛乳 じゃこサラダ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is a very simple menu, but it is filled with great flavors!  The Jyako salad is crunchy and has a yummy dressing.  I can’t really taste the jyako very much since they are so small.  I really like the aburaage in this salad.  The other main item in today’s lunch is hayashi rice.  An excellent tomato based meaty stew with lots of vegetables.  It is excellent.  One of the most reliable items on the kyuyshoku menu.  Delicious as ever!




米粉パン 牛乳 ササミチーズフライ

ブロッコリーサラダ ワンタンスープ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

An interesting menu today.  A super creamy and delicious broccoli salad with sweet corn and crunchy cucumbers was first on my list.  It was great.  The wonton soup was quite good as well with a nice flavor.  Savory and filled with umami, it was warm and hot too.  I particularly liked the crunchy and juicy takenoko.  Usually I like to make a sandwich using the bread when we have a big meaty main dish, but komekopan isn’t really good for making sandwiches so I mostly dipped it into the soup.  I love komekopan very much.  It’s chewy and had a really interesting texture to someone like me who has eaten white bread for most of their life!  The baked (or fried?) chicken with cheese was tremendous.  Such delicious flavor from the meat and the cheese protected by the bread topping.  We rarely get a chicken dish like this and it is super good.  Takes this menu into the top 10 or maybe even top 5 kyushoku menu range for this semester.  Gochisousamadeshita!  What a treat.



ごはん 牛乳 青ヒラスのみりんじょうゆ焼き

五目きんぴら すいとん汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today’s menu is very Japanese.  This menu is one that everything in it goes well with rice.  The kinpira was delicious and sweet. I liked the gobo in particular, because it has such a nice flavor and texture.  I learned that ‘suiton’ means flour dumpling.  I was wondering what those noodles were!  They are quite nice and add to the texture of the soup.  Today’s potatoes were especially well cooked.  Finally the Hirasu.  I researched a little bit and found out that it is actually called the Hiramasu and today we ate Shirohiramasu, although the kanji says blue!  It is a confusing fish name!  Today was a fine lunch.



ビビンバ(焼き肉・ナムル) 牛乳

白菜スープ ぽんかん



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Korean menu day!  Bibinba with a tangerine!  The vegetable mix was delicious and had nice nutty flavor.  The Korean style beef was amazing and filled with flavor.  I took a small taste of each and then mixed them into one big bowl and enjoyed it like it is eaten traditionally.  Today’s hakusai soup was great as well and I especially love the clear noodles.  And a nice cold tangerine after the meal is perfect for cleansing the pallet.  Delicious Monday lunch!




はちみつパン 牛乳 ハートのハンバーグ(ケチャップ)

ハムと大根のサラダ クリームシチュー チョコプリン



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Yesterday was a holiday and Sunday is Valentines day so today’s lunch is a Valentine’s day themed meal.  The daikon and ham salad was crunchy and nice.  The dressing is a little sour, but tastes amazing.  Today’s cream stew was amazing.  It is always good, but today it tastes like there is some extra love in the stew.  I think it is the umami from the meat.  I also made a mini hamburg sandwich with ketchup using the honey bread.  Today’s hamburg is shaped like a heart!  It is very cute. My hamburg sandwich was great and the ketchup was just the right amount.  Today’s very special treat is the chocolate pudding dessert.  It was quite chocolatey and even a little frozen which I like.  It was a true treat and a rare appearance of chocolate on the school lunch menu.  Today’s menu is easily a top 15!  Gochisousama Deshita!