


黒とうパン 牛乳 ハムチーズピカタ

ごぼうサラダ カレーうどん



~Lunch Report By ALT~

It’s curry udon day! Today I started with the gobo salad and it was delicious and sweet. I love the texture of gobo and the sweetness from the dressing and corn was quite fine. The ham and cheese picata was superb. The ‘stuffed’ egg dishes that come in kyushoku always feel like a roulette with what is inside and the flavor changes often so it’s a nice surprise. Today’s was very good. The curry udon was nice today and had a gentle spice to it which was good. The bread today was brown sugar bread and it had a light sweetness to it, which was nice. I think today’s theme was the color brown because the curry and bread were brown obviously, gobo is kind of brown, and the picata had some brown marks where it was cooked as well. I can’t say anything about the milk though! It was all white. A delicious meal.



ビビンバ 牛乳 えび団子スープ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today’s menu has many Korean elements to it! Bibinba and shrimp ball soup. The greens for the bibinba were very nice and had a sesame flavor. The meat and root(?) mixture was excellently seasoned as always. I like the soy saucey flavors. The soup was very delicious with light flavors and an interesting texture from the noodles and vegetables. The shrimp balls were excellent and packed with flavor. A great lunch today!



ごはん 牛乳 さばのみそ煮

五目ひじき さつま汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is a Japanese style lunch with fish, hijiki, soup, and rice. The hijiki salad was good as always. Today there were some noodles in it, which was interesting. Also, I was lucky and got a big piece of meat in it which was nice. The satsuma soup was quite an interesting experience. It is just the regular miso style soup we often get, but with some sweet potato chunk in it. If you eat it without the sweet potato it is just normal soup, but after taking a bite of sweet potato the soup comes to life and tastes even better. I liked that. Today’s fish, saba, was cooked in a sweet miso sauce which paired very well with the natural flavor of the fish. It was quite delicious!



ごはん 牛乳 春巻

ハムとニラの和え物 八宝菜



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is happousai, fried spring rolls, and salad. A Chinese-style menu. The salad was really good and I liked the tangy flavor of the dressing and the nice flavor from the sesame and ham. The happousai, or ‘Eight Treasure Vegetables’, was good. I like happousai but think it has a LOT of flavors and ingredients. All the flavors mix up so I don’t know how to describe it! I taste mostly the shrimp and squid though. Its great with rice. Today’s secret superstar is the fried spring roll though. The wrapper is salty and so good and crunchy I love it. The filling is nice and juicy and has great balance with the wrapper which is nice. I could eat like 20 of these I think haha. Great lunch!



ごはん 牛乳 厚焼卵

小松菜のごま和え 肉じゃが



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today something special has happened. Nikujaga has broken free from natto for the first time in the history of kyushoku! I walked past the menu and saw today’s menu was nikujaga, and knew that meant natto, but to see there was no natto was such a big surprise! The salad was excellent and the sweet sesame dressing was great. It was creamy, juicy, a little crunchy, and very hearty. The Tamagoyaki was very good too. It too, was sweet and juicy and very delicious. Japanese tamagoyaki always reminds me of French toast since it is so sweet and eggy. The nikujaga is like a masterpiece. The slippery and juicy noodles contrasted the potatoes and carrots which were filled with the delicious broth. Flavorful meat, onions, and green beans which have absorbed all the goodness from the soup were treasures as well. Today’s lunch was phenomenal and I am very happy. Top 10 if not a top 5. Certainly the best if not one of the best Japanese menus to date. Gochisousamadeshita!