


ごはん 牛乳 いわしのごまみそ煮
けんちん汁 味のり

~ 給食の感想 By ALT ~
Today's lunch was super Japanese. The fish was cooked perfectly and the bones were soft, but a little crunchy. The sauce was delicious and a great pair with rice.
Oh no! I forgot my seaweed(Nori). How should I eat it? I used the seaweed like a sponge and cleaned the sauce from my plate . It was delicious.


ごはん 牛乳 納豆 きゅうりの香り和え 筑前煮

~給食の感想 By ALT~
I'm from America, but I love Japanese food. One food I don't like natto, but I ate everything today. Today's soup(Chikuzennni) was very good. I can remember yesterday's jelly.


ごはん 牛乳 モロの磯辺フライ
かんぴょう入りかき玉汁 いちごゼリー

~給食の感想 By ALT~
Today`s lunch was great!
We ate egg soup which had a really nice flavor.
And there was delicious fried fish. It was very meaty like pork or chicken.
And we got wonderful strawberry jelly. Mine was in perfect condition and still half frozen.It was a Tochigi treat!