



ごはん 牛乳 さんまのかぼす煮

いそ香り和え いものこ汁 十五夜ゼリー



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Japanese menu celebrating the full moon tonight! How lovely. The salad was good, and had a nice flavor. I don’t know how to describe it really, but it had hints of sesame and some flavoring similar to wakame. The soup was good, with a very light rooty flavor, but has too much satoimo for my liking. Also it had cute little Naruto fish disks that were supposed to be a yellow moon with a white rabbit on it, but I thought it was a tooth at first! Hah! Now I can’t see anything but a tooth. Sorry! I think that the best part of the meal was the sanma though by far. The tangy and sweet sauce was perfect and I could eat that forever. So delicious and juicy. Last, was a yummy jelly with a little jelly bunny. Sweet and delicious!