


ミルクパン マーシャルビンズ 牛乳

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~Lunch Report By ALT~

MARSHALL BEANS!  Excellent lunch day today of course.  The beans salad is amazing and is a crunchy hearty start to my meal.  The broccoli makes sure there is plenty of dressing since it doesn’t stick to the beans very well.  The spanish omelette, which I will call a quiche, was great.  I like the potatoes adding a bit of different texture from the eggs.  The onion soup is amazing as well.  There are so many onions finely sliced into this soup and their sweetness really gives a nice flavor with the bits of meat in it.  The cabbage acts as a nice base and makes for a hearty and crunchy bite along with the yummy soup.  I use some of my bread roll to clean the salad dressing and some to soak up some soup so I can get a nice ratio for my chocobread.  The ratio of marshall beans to bread must be good or else it’s too dry.  Lastly, the pear jelly was quite nice and a good refreshing end to the meal.  Such a great meal today!