


黒とう食パン 牛乳 肉団子

ハムと大根のサラダ きつねうどん



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Meatballs, bread, and kitsune udon!  An interesting combination and a delicious one!  Ah, the ham and daikon salad is so delicious.  Seriously such a perfect match of textures, flavors, and so simple too.  The kitsune udon as well was very good.  I think the soup broth has a lot of flavor in it as well which is great.  The kitsune tofu was good, but I like it a little sweeter.  Maybe it is because I like the cup noodle kitsune so much?  It was still very juicy and delicious.  Looking at today’s menu, it would look like the udon is the main dish, but to me, it is the meatballs and bread.  Another ‘ura-menu’ technique I love is making a simple little meatball sandwich.  The meatballs were sweet and tasty and went perfect with the slice of bread as well.  It was a sweeter meatball sandwich but super good and satisfying for me.  Wonderful lunch to finish the first week of school back from break.