


ごはん 牛乳 冷ややっこ

いそ香り和え ピリ辛肉じゃが



~Lunch Report By ALT~

NIKU JAGA!  Today’s spinach and sprout salad was pretty good and had a kind of unique taste that I can’t really describe.  There was sesame, but also something else.  The salad is called ‘Isokaori ae’ so whatever iso is, is probably it! Good stuff.  The tofu was super good.  So soft and creamy that I could barely pick it up with my chopsticks and pretty much just drank it after a while.  The soy sauce was a nice pairing of course and the tofu itself was very high quality I think.  The nikujaga today was excellent and delicious as always.  Today’s was advertised as being slightly spicy, but my old tongue couldn’t tell.  It was very delicious and had a lot of flavor, but as far as spice was concerned it was very gentle.  The gobo in particular was very interesting and added a kind of new element to the dish, while the potatoes and noodles were such a perfect pair soaking up that yummy juice making for a hearty and pleasant main dish.  I love nikujaga.