



冬野菜カレーライス 牛乳 ツナサラダ ゆずゼリー



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Curry day! Also, it is a special menu today celebrating winter due to the solstice. Nothing wrong with starting a Monday with delicious curry and rice. And a yummy Tuna salad too with Yuzu jelly on the side. The salad was great and I love the sweetness from the corn mixed with the citrusy dressing. The tuna also adds a nice flavor to the mix as well. The winter curry was also quite interesting including renkon, daikon, potatoes, spinach, and pumpkin as well. Very fitting ingredients for the season with many root vegetables. It gave it a unique flavor compared to curry on other days. Interesting! The yuzu jelly was extremely refreshing and new as well. Yuzu has a special smell and flavor that is different from other citrus fruits and it’s very enjoyable. A delicious conclusion to a yummy meal.