




牛乳 きつねうどん



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Last school lunch of the school year!  I am very sad about that.  Today is udon and a hot dog.  A nice lunch.  The hot dog is a classic lunch menu item we get once every two or three months and it comes with some nice lightly boiled cabbage which gives some sweetness and a crunch to the dog and a packet of ketchup to put on the sausage.  It was good and has a light smokey flavor to it which I enjoy.  I thought today’s udon was good as well and nice and hot.  It had a strong flavor from the tofu and was delicious.  Wonderful lunch and I look forward to eating more next year!  Thanks for everything!



ごはん 牛乳 おろしハンバーグ

もみづけ えび団子スープ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

After a nice 3 day weekend coming back to school lunch is always a pleasure.  This is the last week for school lunch before the end of the school year.  The salad was a simple momiduke with a nice bright flavor from the ginger they add in with the pickles and a little bit of extra goodness from the sesame seeds making it a really pleasing and refreshing start to the meal.  The shrimp ball soup is a tasty harusame soup with super yummy shrimp meat balls that are so good and add a nice dimension of flavor to the whole thing.  The oroshi hamburg is a nice meaty treat and the sauce on it was pretty good.  It was almost sweet compared to the soup and quite enjoyable.  A nice lunch today that helps warm you up on this chilly snowy day!




ごはん 牛乳 とんカツ ボイルキャベツ

(ごまソース) ニコニコ汁 市民の日ゼリー



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Big lunch today.  Katusdon!  The katsu are huge and crispy and delicious.  The sauce that comes with them are great as well adding a lot of classic flavor.  The nameko soup was pretty good too!  It was a great pair with the katsu and really nice to keep the powerful flavors of the katsu under control since it has earthy taste from the mushrooms and daikon and carrots.  Also we got a nice strawberry dessert which was sweet and yummy.  Today’s katsu was so huge and delicious though that nothing can really top it!  Such a great lunch!



はちみつパン 牛乳 グラタン

ブロッコリーサラダ ミネストローネスープ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today’s lunch is a minestrone soup, broccoli salad, and gratin. The salad was excellent and reminded me of a mix of the tuna salad and the cube salad and the flowering veggies salad. There were some bits of cheese in it and the tuna married everything together quite well. The minestrone soup was filled with lots of amazing veggies and beans and had a very gentle tomato flavor. The noodles in it were nice. The gratin was in a savory tart shell and was super good. Anything that you get for school lunch in one of these tart shells is always delicious and today is no exception! The shell itself is quite good and has a nice crunch which goes well with the yummy gratin filing which was creamy and nice. Lastly, we also got a nice roll of honey bread which was a nice snack for me after the meal to enjoy with my milk. Wonderful lunch today! It has been a while since we’ve seen anything in a tart shell.



スタミナ丼 牛乳 白菜スープ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is stamina don and soup. A simple meal with plenty of impact! The soup was delicious and the spring noodles in it were wonderful. I like the gentle but delicious flavor of the soup. The stamina don was amazing and packed with tons of flavor. The juices from all the meat and vegetables are very delicious.  Amazing and filing lunch today. Thank you!