


ミルクパン マーマレード 牛乳

チキンのオーブン焼き ツナサラダ カレーうどん



【Lunch Report by ALT】

Curry Udon and Baked Chicken!  Today’s lunch is another interesting combination and today is also known as Marmalade day!  The tuna salad is a home run as always and has excellent savory and sour flavors from the tuna and dressing as well as nice textures.  The curry udon was excellent today and the spices were really kicking which was nice.  Curry is always good in school lunch, but the level of spice varies greatly and today was super good. For me, the oven baked chicken is the main event today because it is the perfect size for making a little chicken sandwich.  I rip my bread in half and then split it again to make two buns and enjoy a chicken sandwich.  It is delicious, the chicken is crunchy and cheesy, but the inside is tender and nice.  Perfect chicken today!  Finally, the marmalade.  I used the second half of my bread today to enjoy a little marmalade bread dessert and it was great.  The orange flavor was on point and there was even some zest as well which was super tasty adding a little sour and bitter flavor as well which was a nice addition.  Great lunch today.