


赤飯(ごま塩) 牛乳 とりのからあげレモンソース

五目きんぴら すまし汁 お祝いデザート(さくらのジュレ)


【Lunch Report by ALT】

Today is a special menu celebrating school entrance and all the students going up a grade.  How exciting!  And it is a super yummy menu with lemon karaage and delicious sides including sekihan!  The gomoku kinpira was super juicy and delicious with lots of interesting flavors.  I like the gobo’s earthy flavors and the sweetness of the sauce it was cooked in as well as the juicy abura age too.  Today’s soup was filled with lots of tofu and seaweed.  It tasted great and was pretty filled although it was soup!  Today’s sekihan was so delicious.  I love ‘red rice’ very much and the gomashio is my favorite as well.  It’s such a treat.  I know many students (and adults!) who don’t like it, but I think it is super delicious.  The karagae with lemon sauce was stupendous.  The flavors of the sauce were lemon, but also a little bit more like it was mixed with soy sauce or something to really make it special.  Today when we were preparing lunch, Kyoto sensei carefully poured the remaining sauce on top of the chicken which was very nice and allowed us to enjoy the flavor much more I think.  The sweet and sour flavors of the chicken going back and forth with the more salty and smoky flavors from the roasted sesame seeds in the sekihan were a great combo.  The jelly dessert had a very interesting and unique flavor as well. ‘Sakura Jure’, which was a light flavor that tasted like cherries and was fragrant like peach as well.  I truly wonderful meal worthy of the celebration of the new school year for everyone.  And the best menu to date of course!  Gochisousama deshita!