

米粉パン とちおとめジャム 牛乳 県産ぶた肉コロッケ

かんぴょうサラダ にら入り春雨スープ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is korokke!  The kanpyo salad is delicious and the flavor of the ham and the creamy dressing is quite nice.  The corn especially goes well with the dressing.  The spring noodle soup is amazing and tastes very nice.  The flavor is fairly well developed and has some nice umami to it.  Today’s korokke is quite crunchy and warm.  I found the flavor quite light and it was fried very nicely.  The rice bread is delicious and the texture fantastic.  Komekopan is so unique and delicious.  There is no denying how delicious and tasty the jam is and with the rice bread it is only better. It honestly feels like kenmin day part two because of the tochiotome jam and locally sourced pork korokke as well.  Quite a delicious meal today.