

ビビンバ 牛乳 白菜スープ




~Lunch Report By ALT~

Bibinba!  Today’s lunch has a yummy salad filled with lots of great juicy spinach and crunchy bean sprouts.  My favorite part of the meal is the delicious meat and veggie mix because it has such a great flavor.  The meat has a nice spiciness to it and plenty of garlic and soy sauce as well which gives it almost a smokey taste.  Also the soup has a nice light flavor and those great spring noodles.  It is one of the best-balanced lunches flavor-wise I think and super tasty.  Not to mention we get a great dessert too!  The fuity anindoufu was excellent with a perfect blend of creamy and sweet flavors and the more citrusy tart flavors from the fruit.  Perfect finish to the meal and a totally yummy lunch.