


ごはん 牛乳 いわしのしょうが煮

白菜のおひたし 里いもと大根のそぼろ煮 福豆



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is Setsubun, or ‘Throwing Beans Day’. A traditional change in the season from the winter months headed into spring where we throw beans and banish demons from our homes and lives!  Today’s salad was packed with flavor from the bonito and it was smokey and juicy.  A kind of odd combination, but delicious.  The daikon stew was pretty good!  The earthy and slightly bitter daikon flavor was calmed down by the flavors and other veggies and was quite delicious.  Today’s real MVP was the fish though.  It was perfectly cooked and super flavorful.  The ginger flavor was excellent and went perfectly with rice.  This is one of the best fish we get in school lunch and it was great today.  Last, as a final snack, the lucky bean assortment.  It is a little snack pack with kakipeas, lucky beans, and crunchy little fish and such with a little bit of a sweet coating.  It was alright.  A nice conclusion to the meal.  Out with the demons and in with the luck!